Self Awareness

"Today" is entirely different than it was a few years ago.

In our rapidly changing world, there is emphasis everywhere we turn to focus on self.

As individuals, we need to understand our strengths, weaknesses, emotions and motivations.

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How "SHIFT" became our mission!

As holistic and therapeutic practitioners we both realised through consultative collaborations that many people are facing similar difficulties with managing their Mental Health challenges and their ability to fulfil work, home and life responsibilities.

There is an overwhelming consensus from clients pointing to common factors such as:

  • The stigma of Mental Health in the workplace can make it difficult for individuals to seek support without fear of judgement or discrimination.
  • The demanding nature of many jobs can exacerbate stress and anxiety making it harder for them to prioritise self-care and also to seek help when needed.
  • Other societal pressures, such as the appearance of being “strong” and “perfect” can lead individuals to suppress their struggles which further complicated the process of coping with their Mental Health issues while maintaining job performance.

As practitioners we decided to create a workshop where we could bring together what we know to help alleviate and support people with the above concerns,creating a supportive work environment that promotes open communication, destigmatising Mental Health challenges and providing resources for self-care and support can help alleviate some of these difficulties.

"Today" is entirely different than it was a few years ago.

In our rapidly changing world, there is emphasis everywhere we turn to focus on self.

As individuals, we need to understand our strengths, weaknesses, emotions and motivations.

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